Towards the beggining of the month, I came across a pictre from one of my favorite blogs, Cupcakes and Cashmere. Emily (editor and style maven) was wearing and adorable ensemble, which was meant to showcase her flashy, sequin skirt; however, I fell in love with something completly different: the white blazer. From that moment on, I was on the quest for the perfect white blazer. Boyfriend style, light-weight, and easy to style were the key things I was looking for. Week after week, my trips to Last Chance and Goodwill came up empty handed, but then, one day, I scored at Last Chance. I was rumaging through the blazers rack when i came across a white blazer from Ralph Lauren. At $52 it was a little bit out of my reach so I continued looking. That was when I came across a similar blazer for $12. It was not a big brand name, but I didn’t mind because I had now found the perfect white blazer I had dreamed of!
Cool pictures 🙂