I’ve always been a highly anxious person. Throughout my life, I’ve learned of ways to deal with my anxiety but now, more than ever, my strength is being tested. It’s no secret that we are living in a very interesting time. Everything is uncertain and everyone is facing trials they never saw coming. It’s incredibly humbling to know that no one is immune to what we are facing.
I know I’m not alone in this feeling of angst and uncertainty, but one thing is certain.; we will survive. We cannot do it alone, and it will take a village but each and everyone of us has an immense opportunity to do our part.
This looks different for everyone, and before I outline what I have been doing, I want to say a few things.
- Be kind. No one knows what tomorrow brings and we are all dealing with the information we have. Try to be kind and offer support where needed; however, with that said:
- Speak up. If you are seeing behavior that is endangering, say something. It is 100% uncomfortable but we are in uncomfortable times and all need to band together
- Be understanding. I acknowledge and understand my privilege. I’m healthy, I have a job where I can work remote and I have access food. There are too many people that can’t even speak that sentence so before you judge, try talking to them first.
Okay, now that I’ve got that out of the way, here are some of the ways I’ve been working through this:
- Journaling: Part of feeling anxious is feeling like you have no control over a situation. Let’s be real though, I cannot control COVID-19; however, there are things I am feeling or questioning that I can control. By journaling and listing out every concern and worry in my head and outline solutions to those worries, it has helped me figure out that while not everything is “figureoutable,” a lot of smaller concerns can be worked through.
- Social Connection: In this season of #socialdistancing, social connection is now even more important. I know that seems a little counterintuitive, but there are still ways for us to connect and create a sense of community with the technology we have today. You can do your part and #flattenthecurve while still fostering your relationships. Check in on your friends and schedule a virtual HH.
- Self Care: Guys, this is a BIG one. Your physical health is obviously crucial but how we take care of ourselves mentally is so so important. I’ve always been very honest about mental health and awareness and that doesn’t stop during a pandemic. Take that hot bath, put on that face mask or pour that (large) glass of wine (we won’t judge).
I hope these tips have been helpful and I hope to continue to be here as a safe place where you can talk, share and stay connected.