It’s October, which means it Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is a cause that has always been near to my heart. My grandmother passed away of breast cancer before I was born, and my mother was diagnosed with it at a young age. Luckily, she has been cancer free for 20 plus years, but the increased chance of me having breast cancer at some point in my life is something I cannot avoid. There are always small ways that we can help out with the cause. For the month of October, designers have teamed up with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to help find a cure!
OPI’s Pink of hearts is now available for purchse. It’s a cheap easy way to help find a cure.
Donna Karan has teamed up with Saks Fifth Avenue to create her Key to the Cure Tee available for purchse online for $34
Converse has also teamed up with BCRF and will donate $50,000 to research. You can purchase these shoes here
New York & Company will donate $2 from every sale of this tee to the BCRF
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