I was never really into spin when I first started going; to be honest, I’m not a big cardio person in general but understand it’s a necessary evil. I was going to Cyclebar for awhile but eventually got rid of Classpass and stopped taking spin classes.
I missed the experience and considered purchasing a Peloton but even with financing, it didn’t make sense for me financially. So, I did A LOT of research and built my own Peloton type setup at a fraction of the cost.

In total, I spent under $400 for my home setup! I’ll walk you through everything I did and some additional options as well and link everything for you below.
What you’ll need:
- Spin bike (I bought my Sunny Health & Fitness one off Facebook Marketplace for $250!)
- Cadence sensor
- Ipad/ Iphone clip holder
- Bluetooth headphones
- Peloton App subscription ($12/month – first 30 days free)
Things to keep in mind:
The one thing you won’t be able to measure is your resistance. The more you ride, the more you’ll start to realize what the resistance is based on the Cadence the instructors are calling out. It’s a bit of trial and error but you get the hang of it pretty quickly!
That brings me to my next point! Some bikes have a screen that will tell you your speed (cadence). Mine did not. After some research, these Wahoo sensors were the most recommended for a similar set up. You place them either on your shoe or near the pedal and install and app on your phone that shows you your cadence.

Streaming your classes! First, you’ll want to download the Peloton app (or something similar). It is only $12 a month and comes with so many class options! I stream mine on my computer monitor since my bike is in my office, but if you purchase an ipad holder for your bike you can stream on your ipad or your iphone!

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or shoot me a DM over on Instagram!