I’m not going to lie; when active bodysuits and rompers started trending, I just couldn’t get behind them. I thought they looked great on everyone I saw wearing them, but I couldn’t imagine wearing one myself. That is, until I found the perfect one for under $40 on Tiktok. I immediately purchased it and have been obsessed with the trend ever since.
Unfortunately, the two affordable options I love are completely sold out, but I found a couple of alternatives and are going to show you 3 full-proof ways to style them for your day!
Nothing too fancy here! Add your fanny pack and sneakers of choice and you are ready to go for a hot girl walk or the gym!

I’ve been living in this look. I will throw a linen button down on any active look and immediately feel more put together.

Throw on a blazer, some gold jewelry and cowboy boots and your ready for happy hours with your girlfriends!